Monday, October 09, 2006

An Impossible Love

Once upon a time there was a small squirrel named Marianne. She always played with her friend, Jean-Claude Sebastian, who was a young salmon. Marianne loved to talk with him and they were very happy together.

But one day, Jean-Claude told Marianne, "I have a problem. I have a great urge to return to the sea. I'm sorry." Marianne was heartbroken. She loved Jean-Claude and couldn't imagine her life without him.

She had heard that there was an old owl in the forest who was very wise. She entered the woods in order to look for him. She met a mouse, who told her, "the wise owl? He lives in an old tree, in the middle of the forest. No one who has ever entered ever came out again. You have to be courageous."

Marianne found this tree, and, with courage, she climbed it. The owl lived in a high branch and she could hear the wind. Finally, she arrived at the owl's house. She told him her story and he nodded. He told her, "I can give you a solution, but first, you must do something for me. I want a pomegranate. Find me a pomegranate, and I will answer you."

A pomegranate? Where could anyone find a pomegranate? She got down from the tree, and started walking. She walked for three hours, and was in the middle of thinking when she was interrupted by a sparrow.

"Are you looking for something?" he asked her.

"Yes. I am not sure, however, that you can help me. I am looking for a pomegranate."

The sparrow told her, "I can carry you, and we can look for a pomegranate together."

"What a good idea!" Marianne said. "My name is Marianne." "My name is Jacques Chirac," the sparrow responded. "Here, get in my claws."

They flew together for almost eight hours. Finally, Jacques Chirac exclaimed, "There! A pomegranate!: Marianne picked it up, and Jacques Chirac carried her back to the owl's tree.

The owl ate the pomegranate greedily. Then, he spoke in a low voice. "To be with your friend, you must use your own body. You must go with him. Swim with your tail. Turn your tail like a propeller. Then, you can stay with him."

What good news! She returned to the stream, and, to the surprise of Jean-Claude, began to swim! She followed Jean-Claude to the sea to live happy ever after.

It's possible that Marianne wanted to have children with Jean-Claude, but that's a problem for a different owl.