Thursday, March 15, 2007

Disappearing Act, Part XVI

Monday morning.

The letter that I had sent to Jim was returned to me. With the envelope marked ‘UNKNOWN”.

I tried to find the bill, but I couldn’t. It had disappeared before I woke up.

I went to the grocery store. They recognized me. But when I asked if they had seen my wife, they had laughed, saying that they knew well that I would die single.

Nothing stayed with me except one sole idea . It is taking a risk. I have to leave the house and go into the city to the Veterans Association. I want to know if I am in their archives. If yes, there will be some information on my studies, my marriage, my relatives.

I carry this notebook with me. I don’t want to lose it. If I lose it, there won’t be anything in the world to remind me that I am not insane.